Amiga Plus Special 12
Amiga Plus Sonderheft Amiga 12.iso
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[0m[0 p[0;1;33;40mCopyright & Disclaimer[0m
This software is shareware. The unregistered version may be freely copied if
no modifications are done with the entire drawer! Any commercial distribution
is strictly forbidden. There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of
this software for any purpose. It is provided solely "as is".
If you like it, please register by sending 20 DM or $15 US to the address
below. You will get the keyfile to enable all features in this and newer
versions! If you additionally send me an envelope with your address, 2 DM
stamps and a disk, you will also get the actual version from the aminet.
[0;1;33;40mY A L C !!![0m
[0;1m(Yet Another Lode Runner Clone?)[0m
Yes, but wait! Mine Runner is a special one!
· Nearly original play feeling!
· Nearly original graphics!
· Nearly original sound effects!
· Selected original levels!
· Four different Soundtracks!
· Up to four player simultanous game!
· Supports four player joystick adapter!
· Supports two button joysticks!
· Doesn't stop multitasking!
· Saves highscores!
[0;1;4mHow do I play it?[0m
No problem! Simply collect all gold. A ladder that leads to the next level
will appear if you have done the job. Pushing the button opens the floor to
your left or right side temporarilly. Your opponents keep stuck in the opened
holes and you can walk over then. Greeeed... In this world, the bad guys
doesn't win. If you fail, try again!
[0;1;4mHow do I use two button joysticks?[0m
Two button joysticks (e.g. the sega mega drive joypad) can be used in the
standard mouse or joystick port. If you push the second button to start
(instead of the standard button), you will be in the two button mode:
standard button digs at your left side, second button on your right side.
The pins for the second button are not connected on most four player
adapter ports (at least, they're not at mine :^) and so, they're not
supported, sorry.
[0;1;4mTool types:[0m
You can specify some extras by altering the tool types in the game icon.
· [0;1mMONITOR=Pal[0m -> Sets the name of the monitor (DblNTSC, Euro36,
etc). (works only with Kickstart 2.0 or better)
· [0;1mINPUTDEVICE=OFF[0m -> Disables mousepointer and input device to
get full CPU speed. In pause mode and in the level editor, the
mousepointer and input device are active again.
· [0;1mADAPTER=OFF[0m --> Disables access to the parallel port. Usefull
if there is no four player joystick adapter. Data sent to another device
at the parallel port will be scrambled otherwise in multiplayermode!
· [0;1mCIRCLE=OFF[0m --> Disables the circle zoom at beginning of a level
· [0;1mPALETTE=A2024[0m --> Uses a special palette for the A2024 monitor.
[0;1;4mSpecial keys:[0m
· Del: Kill all players on a level. (If someone is in a dead end)
· Esc: Quits the game.
· F1-F4: Selects the number of players.
· F5: Pauses the game.
· F6-F8: Selects extra levels. (only for registered users)
· F9: Toggles Soundtrack or 4-ChannelFX
· F10: (Re)start the game.
· D: Swaps the dig direction.
· E: Enters the level editor. (only for registered users)
[0;1mOriginal keyboard control:[0m
(press F10 and "U" in the title page to start in one button mode,
press F10 and "O" to start in two button mode...)
"U" - leftButton "I" - up "O" - rightButton
"J" - left "K" - down "L" - right
[0;1mAdditional keyboard control:[0m
(press F10 and left alt in the title page to start in one button mode,
press F10 and left amiga to start in two button mode...)
moving: cursorkeys
leftButton: left alt/right amiga
rightButton: left amiga/right alt
[0;1;4mThe Level Editor:[0m
(Only available for registered users)
Push "E" in the title page to enter the Level Editor! This thing of true
magic enables YOU to create new amazing levels for Mine Runner.
The editor can create mapfiles (which carry the information of the level
structure) and logfiles (which carry information how you tested the
level the last time). All files will be saved in the "Levels" drawer.
You may send your best levels to me and maybe they will be included in the
next release! Let's see... If you want to do that, please put in your mind
that I will need the mapfile of the level AND a logfile where you have
completed the level! (I am not a good Mine Runner <^: and I have to know
how to complete the level) You may send them uuencoded with email.
Ok, select a drawing block from the palette at the top of the screen and draw
your level by using your mouse.
Don't forget to enter the level name in the input gadget for the following
four actions:
· The "TEST" gadget: Let you test the level while creating the logfile.
· The "SHOW" gadget: Shows the actions of the logfile if level was done.
· The "SAVE" gadget: Saves the map of a level.
· The "LOAD" gadget: Reloads a previous saved level.
· The "QUIT" gadget: Quits the editor.
· MineRunner does not disable multitasking, so some bad coded screen
blankers may blank your screen while playing. This is definitely not a
bug in MineRunner! Use BlitzBlank V2.0 or the blanker in MagicCX and you
will not have any trouble.
· With older kickstarts, the level name cannot be displayed in the
input gadget. You can type in the name even if you cannot see it.
Tested on...
· Amiga 1000 (50 Mhz 68030, AGA chipset, 2 MB chip, 4 MB fast, Kick 3.0)
(yes, this Amiga 1000 has the AGA chipset)
[0;1;4mWays of contact:[0m
· You will get the keyfile if you send me 20 DM or $15 US.
The keyfile enables all features in this and newer versions for you!
· If you don't like sending money with mail: Konto-Nr=5024914 - BLZ=79050000
(but don't forget to mail me your address!)
· Please add your email address if you have one. (speeds up transfer)
· If you want to get the actual version from the aminet, then include:
A return envelope with your address, 2 DM stamps and a disk
(Outside germany, please add 5 DM or $5 US instead of the stamps/disk)
· If you think it is worth more than 20 DM, then add what you think.
[0;3mInterested in other games like this? Take a look at...[0m
· [0;1mMonsters of Terror[0m (V1.0): Beat the Wizard of Wor, up to 4 players!
· [0;1mPoweroids[0m (V1.2): Asteroids with raytraced graphics, up to 4 players!
· [0;1mMinerunner[0m (V1.7): The classic platform game, up to 4 players!
· [0;1mZerberk[0m (V1.4): An arcade game like Berzerk, up to 4 players!
· [0;1mTubular Worlds[0m: Horizontal scrolling action with lots of enemies!
[0;3mFuture plans:[0m
· [0;1mStarDefender[0m - Accelerated scrolling, Aliens and the Defender!
· [0;1mlightNdark[0m - Battle between the light side and the dark side...
Did you like the game? If you want to encourage me to write more games like
this or if you have any suggestions, bug-reports or ideas for other games
then let me hear!
(0931)16139 (May change in future)
starfox@incubus.franken.de (prefered)
(Try another e-mail address or standard mail if you get no response!)
(__) _
Matthias Bock (oo) _ //
Mähderweg 16 /-------\/ \X/
97225 Zellingen / | || ` Thank you, Amiga...
Germany * ||w---||
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